Friday, May 26, 2017

Flaxseed ( Alasi): 20 Reasons Why It Is A Super Ingredient

                                              Image result for flaxseeds
With the advent of health consciousness , one of the seeds that are gaining too much importance is Flaxseeds or Alasi.

This powerful plant seeds reduce the risk of heart diseases,stroke,diabetes,cancer and are good source of healthy fibre,fats and anti oxidants.
Their beauty and health Benefits too catches eye over them.
                                                                Flaxseeds: What are they?
Flaxseeds,sometimes called linseed ,are small ,brown,tan or golden coloured seeds that are the richest source of a plant based OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS,called Alpha linoleic acid(ALA) in the world. 
They have been consumed as food for around 6000 years and may have very well been the world's first cultivated product.
                                                           Nutritional Facts About Flaxseeds
When we look at the nutritional benefits of flaxseeds ,they definitely catches one's  eye over it
* Omega-3 
Vitamin B1
Also, they contain good amount of Vitamin BY,Iron,Potassium ,Copper and Zinc.
These nutritional content makes flaxseeds most nutrient dense food in planet.      
                                                      Why Is it A Super Healthy
1. Low in Carbs,High in fibre
Flaxseeds contain high content of mucilage gum content . Mucilage is a gel forming fibre that is water soluble and has incredible effects on intestinal tract. It increases nutritional absorption by emptieng food from stomach to small intestine in very shirt span.
2. Healthy Skin and hair
The ALA fats in them benefits the skin and hair by providing them essential fats as well as B vitamins which help reducing dryness  and flakiness. Also improves symptoms of Acne,rosacea and eczema.
Either consume internally or can be mixed with natural skin moisturiser or essential oils.
3. Weight Loss
This acts as important weight loss remedy as high fibre content makes you feel satisfied for longer time which overall leads to the loss of calories per day.
Add couple of teaspoons to soups,salads or smoothies.
4. Lowers Cholesterol 
The soluble fibre content of flaxseeds trap fat and Cholesterol in the digestive system so that it is unable to be absorbed and hence naturally reduces the Cholesterol levels in blood.
5. Gluten free
Best replacement for inflammatory gluten grains . They ate best substitutes for those who have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.
6. Anti Oxidants 
Amongst the othe rinctedible nutritional Facts they also act as anti Oxidants. Unique fibre- related polyphenols benefits in anti ageing,hormone balance and cellular growth.
7. Menopausal symptoms 
Flaxseeds also have been seen effective in menopausal women. It can be used as alternative hormone replacement therapy because log and have estrogenic properties. Also helps in maintaining regular media in menstruating ladies .
8. High in Omega 3 Fatty Acids 
Omega acids are richest source of healthy fats. They have Omega content equal to fish oil and supplies rich source of nutrition to the body of consumed on regular basis.
9. For Cancer 
Flaxseeds benefits have been proven time and time again and even including fighting breast cancer,ovarian cancer and colon cancer.
Anti oxidants found in flaxseeds can be converted into useful bacterias which reduce the risk of breast cancer. Journal of Clinical Cancer Research proves it.
10. Digestive health
Flacseed's high soluble and insoluble fibres promotes digestion in body by helping necessary stuff to absorb as quickly as possible and transfer it's content from stomach to small intestine ,hence promoting the digestion on much better way.
11. Flaxseeds as Face Masks
Along with nutritional benefits flaxseeds occupy beauty forums too. They act as vegan substitute  for eggs.
Powdering them very finely and mixing them with other beauty enhancers like honey ,aloe and masking face for 15 to 20 minutes helps the brightening and softening of skin.
12. Beneficial for People with diabetes 
Consuming flaxseeds improve blood sugar levels on diabetes due to presence of lignin. This is low glycemic food and helps stabilizing suger levels for quite longer times.
13. Skin healing
Presence of Omega 3 makes flaxseeds anti inflammatory ,hence they help in skin irritation,skin rashes,reddishness.
Apart from that they also prevent forming free radicals in body which lead to formation of malignant cancerous cells in body.
14. Keeps Skin moisturized 
Presence of Fatty acids keeps Skin moisturized and hydrated . It's intake improves the body oil production and the presence of Fatty acids keeps Skin smooth and soft. They are generally used in moisturizers to keep irritants away . Prevents water loss.
                                       ********Especially for Kids**********
15. Makes Tingling Recipes
We can substitute flaxseeds for flour int he preparation of muffins,bread,pancakes and waffles. If the recipe calls for 2 or more cups of flour ,replace about 1/4th or 1/2 cup of flour with ground flaxseeds.
16. Boosts Immunity 
The ALA from Omega 3 works along side anti oxidants to affect the White blood cells that help the immune system,fighting against various diseases and infections. Adding flaxseeds to your child's diet can help strengthen and develop their body's defence system.
17. Reduce Fatigue
Keeping kid's body charges and fuelled throughout the day is bog challenge for every mother. Adding flaxseeds in their fruit juices or sweets or home made cookies can help them reduce their Fatigue and tiredness all along the day.
18. Muscle and Bone development
Flaxseeds is great source of protein and contributes a lot to the proper development and maintenance of muscles and normal bones. Along with that it helps repairing tissues and cells along the fast pace.
19. Brain Development 
Alpha linoleic acid,building block for Omega 3 Fatty acids improve batain functioning in kids and stimulates the healthy development of brain and eye tissues. It's inflammatory properties reduces the risk of rheumatoid arthritis,migraine and childhood asthama in children.
20. Reduce Hypertension and Depression
Flaxseeds act as perfect anti depressants . Also it helps regulating the normal blood pressure levels and helps literally treating the headaches associated with Hypertension .          
                                                                              ### Happy Health ###

Thursday, May 25, 2017

शर्मसार माँ !!

                                                         Image result for mother and daughter at convocation
"Was her Motions Smooth"? डॉक्टर ने रीमा को चेक करते हुए पास में खड़ीं उसकी मां से पूछा।
2 मिनट तक जब कोई जवाब नहीं आया तो  एक नर्स ने उन्हें हिंदी में मतलब समझाया। 
" जी !! ऐसी तो कोई शिकायत नहीं की रीमा ने।" मां ने प्रतिउत्तर किया।
"She is so good in Dance!! Why don't you encourage her to to look forward her career in it." पेरेंट्स टीचर मीटिंग में जब रीमा की टीचर ने उसकी माँ से कहा तो सामान्यवश उन्हें रीमा की तरफ देखना पड़ा कि उनके कहने का तात्पर्य क्या था।
कभी अस्पताल में,कभी स्कूल में,कभी पार्टी में,ऐसे कितने ही अनगिनत किस्से होंगे जहां रीमा की माँ को किसी अंग्रेज़ी बोलते हुए आदमी की बात "काला अक्षर भैंस बराबर" लगती लेकिन वो अपने आस पास खड़े किसी व्यक्ति की मदद से उसे समझ लेती या बोलने वाले को हिंदी में उसे बोलने का निवेदन कर लेती। रीमा की स्कूल और कॉलेज की सहेलियों के सामने या टीचर्स के सामने,उसके पिता की बड़ी पार्टियों में या फिर किसी सामाजिक फंक्शन में, जानकी को कहीं ना कहीं गांव में पले बढ़े होने का और काम पढ़े लिखे होने का खामियाजा भुगतना ही पड़ता था। यहां तक कि पतिदेव खुद जाने अनजाने कितनी बार उनका तिरस्कार कर जाते लेकिन वो मुस्कुराहट में अपनी उदासी छुपा लेतीं।  
रीमा की माँ , जानकी,बहुत सुलझी हुई औरत थी। अपना पूरा जीवन उन्होंने अपने परिवार की खुशियों के लिए जिया। एक बहुत छोटे से गांव के मास्टर जी की 10वीं पास बेटी की शादी उस वक़्त एक वकील ,जो अब  हाई कोर्ट जज है  उनसे तय हुई। जिस उम्र में आज के बच्चे ब्रेक अप और पैच अप का मतलब सीखना शुरू करते हैं,वो अपने दाम्पत्य जीवन में पूरी तरह से उतर चुकी थीं। पति के बड़े बेटे होने के नाते और सास के कम उम्र में ही निधन हो जाने के कारण घर की ज़िम्मेदारी अकेले और बहुत कुशलपूर्ण तरीके से निभाई थी उन्होंने। सब देवर और ननदों को अच्छे से पढ़ा लिखाकर उनकी शादी करवाकर उन्हें एक नया जीवन दिया था उन्होंने।
बस अब एक बेटी थी जिसकी पढ़ाई चल रही थी ,वो भी MBA लास्ट ईयर। यूँ तो उसके लिए भी वो लड़के देखती रहती थी पर उन्होंने कभी भी रीमा पर शादी करने का कोई दबाव नहीं बनाया। उन्होंने उसे यही कह रखा था कि अगर वो पढ़ाई के बाद नौकरी करना चाहती है तो करे, वो उसे शादी करने के लिये मजबूर नहीं करेंगे।
बचपन से लगाकर अब तक ,कभी भी रीमा पर किसी तरह की कोई दकियानूसी पाबंदी नहीं लगाई गई, कारण, जिस सोच के कारण आज जानकी नहीं पढ़ पायी थी उस सोच का शिकार उसकी बेटी ना हो। उसने ज़िन्दगी भर एक बड़े अफसर की कम पढ़ी पत्नी का अपमान सहा था,सो वो नहीं चाहती थी उसकी बेटी को किसी भी तरीके की आलोचना सहनी पड़े। वो समाज में सशक्त और स्वावलंबी नारी के रूप में उभरे, यही उनका ध्येय था।
आज रीमा के कॉलेज में " Convocation Ceremony" थी। रीमा ने कॉलेज टॉप किया था और साथ ही उसे " बेस्ट डांसर" के खिताब से भी नवाजा जाने वाला था। सेरेमनी में स्टूडेंट्स के माता पिता और परिवार वाले भी आमंत्रित थे। रीमा के माता पिता भी आये। फंक्शन शुरू हुआ। अलग अलग सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमों के बाद पुरस्कार वितरण समारोह शुरू हुआ। रीमा को कॉलेज में प्रथम आने के लिए पुरस्कार मिला। रीमा स्टेज पर गयी। राज्यपाल महोदय से सम्मानित होकर वो माइक के पास आई और बोली,
" Thankyou God for giving me this opportunity and all my teachers,friends and parents , I owe this to you all......लेकिन एक इंसान है जिसके बिना आज ये पॉसिबल नहीं होता .... माँ.... ये सिर्फ आपके लिए( मां की तरफ ट्रॉफी को ऊंचा करते हुए) ।
आपने ही सिखाया,जीत किताबों की नहीं मेहनत की मोहताज़ होती है। 
आपने ही बताया की अपने निर्णय खुद लेने की क्षमता को ही असली एजुकेशन कहते हैं,एजुकेशन किसी डिग्री की मोहताज़ नहीं।
ज़िन्दगी के हर अपमान को हंस कर पी जाना और हमेशा मुस्कुराते रहना आपने ही सिखाया मां, खुशी किसी पद और पोस्ट की मोहताज़ नहीं।
ये ट्रॉफी मुझे नहीं आपको मिलनी चाहये क्योंकि इसकी असली हक़दार आप हैं माँ... Thankyou for gifting me Myself."
सदन तालियों से गूंज रहा था।राज्यपाल महोदय ने स्वयं जानकी को स्टेज पर आने को कहा और सम्मानित किया। पूरा कॉलेज उन्हें सम्मान  भरी निगाहों से देख रहा था।जानकी के पति भी अपने द्वारा किये तिरस्कारों को तालियों की गूंज में छुपाने की कोशिश कर रहे थे शायद। पूरी उम्र शर्मसार हुई एक औरत को एक गर्वान्वित मां ने हरा  जो दिया था आज।

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Tips To Look Fresh At All Times This Summer Season…

                                  Image result for refreshed lady in summer

Summer months tend to make us feel dehydrated and look unrest due to heavy sweating and the burning sensation that we feel after stepping out in the scorching sun. However, thankfully, there are certain remedies and beauty tips for summer following which you would be able to keep your look fresh throughout the summer months and embrace the hot days with open arms. In general, never compromise on moving out of the house without a scarf or covering yourself fully until you reach the destination to avoid sun stroke and sudden illness.

After going through this write-up, you would be able to grasp a brief idea about the essential ways in which you can protect your skin from the scorching heat of the summer months and keep yourself look fresh instead of sweating throughout the day. Follow these beauty tips for summer to get a quick overview.

Beauty Tips For Summer To Look Fresh

1. Keep Yourself Hydrated Throughout The Day

It is necessary for you to keep yourself hydrated throughout the summers otherwise you would start feeling nauseous and dizzy throughout the day. Therefore, it is always advisable to inculcate food products in your diet that are rich in water content such as watermelons, muskmelons, tomatoes, lettuce, broccoli and a plethora of others. These not only help you to keep up with the water concentration in the body but also help you to stay healthy.
                           Image result for water splash and beautiful lady

2. Apply Sunscreen Daily Before Going Out of The House

Make sure that you always apply the sunscreen whenever you go out of the house so as to protect your skin from getting tanned and shielding it from the UV radiations of the sun. However, you need to take which sunscreen lotion you are applying on your skin as every skin type needs a different SPF sunscreen which largely depends on the colour of your skin. Also, ensure that you never forget to keep this regime in your daily routine if you are skin conscious.
                                    Image result for sunscreen and summer

3. Carry Paper Wipes With You Wherever You Go

There might a time when might be sweating heavily and feel a burning sensation on the skin, and for such times, keeping a small packet of face wipes proves beneficial. There are several brands available which provided skin wipes in the market that ensure that you face keeps fresh even when it is exposed to dust or pollution or the severe heat of the sun. Use these wipes and we are sure that you would feel a sigh of comfort after using this remedy.
                                    Image result for paper wipes and summer

4. Clean Your Face Regularly

Make sure that you clean your face from time to time after you come back home drenched in the dust or pollution throughout.  Use a foaming cleanser to clean your skin so that it does not end up getting harsh on the skin. Moreover, people with dry and sensitive skin should use oil-based cleansers so that their skin does not get over dry with regular washing. You can also use cooling sprays in case you have severe acne or other skin problems instead of the foaming cleanser. Keep a small spray bottle handy with you whenever you go out in the heat and sprinkle water in case you feel dehydrated.
                                  Image result for lady cleaning face

5. Remember To Exfoliate Once Twice In A Week

With too much sweating, your skin tends to become oily and sticky and attracts lots of dust and pollution particles which might settle in the skin pores if not cleaned properly. Moisturising is another step which needs to be followed as this would prevent your skin from getting dry or losing its softness. Exfoliation will help your skin to minimize the open pores, and remove the dead skin cells which might be causing great damage to the skin. Also, follow a good diet plan which includes fruits rich in antioxidants such as strawberries, organs, etc., so that you feel fresh from inside as well.
                                  Image result for lady cleaning face

6. Make Sure You Exercise On A Regular Basis

The season doesn’t matter but the fact that what you are doing to keep yourself healthy. Exercising always you feel better about yourself, and the sweet calm after you perform the workout is unmatchable. Not only this, the body toxins come out as you sweat out while exercising. So, make sure that you exercise for every 30 minutes daily if not more so that you are able to maintain your health and keep your mood fresh. Moreover, you will surely notice that you start glowing automatically due to the intense workout regime after some time. If you feel like you always indulge in activities such as swimming during the summer months which would keep feeling fresh but make sure that you always apply a sunscreen beforehand so as to avoid tanning.
                                      Image result for lady exercising

7. Wear Dresses In Light Fabrics

The best fabrics for summer months seem to be cotton, chiffon, etc., which tend to soak in the sweat and keep it breezy and fresh. Avoid wearing synthetic clothes during summer months as this would cause skin irritation and wouldn’t even be able to soak in the extra sweat. Thus, always keep a check on what you are wearing so as to avoid any uncomfortable situation.
                                     Image result for lady wearing chiffon

Summer months require you to take extra care of the skin and thus you should follow beauty tips for summer in case you want your skin to stay healthy and look fresh in high temperature. We hope that with these above-mentioned tips, you would be able to get some useful insight as to how you should maintain your skin routine in order to stay fresh. Inculcate these tips in your daily schedule and incorporate the habit of protecting your skin from the exposure to dust and pollution, and we are sure that you would be able to maintain a great skin for a longer period of time.